Our support is open to our existing and new partners. You may either open a ticket related our systems, platforms or solutions or sign up on Ecotask if new to our environment. We will responded at earliest depending on issue type.
Ecowebplus business empowerment and open possibilities are achieved by way of streamlining business operations, enhancing their efficiency, lowering costs and managing risks.
Ecowebplus Digital designs and develops digital solutions, which integrate transformative components and focusses on productivity. We provide clients with fisrt hand opportunities to offload the hassle of designing, building and running a complex ICT environment and bring a sharper focus to bear on core business.
At Ecowebplus, we have adopted QA as a tool to optimize our development processes; ensuring that the project, product or service is conforming to the expectations of our clients or stakeholders.
We use system and solution inspection process to find any defect or bug with corrective measures. it includes but not limited to Analysis, Design, Content, Coding, Configuration, Compliance and Release.
Ecotask empowers Partners to boost their company growth, moreover manage human resources which results in increased productivity while fulfilling thsir CRM needs.
In all our services we adopt full lifecycle approaches based on various development methodologies to manage technologies, systems, solutions and products that are best suited for to our partners’ needs.
At Ecowebplus Digital we use a 2-prong approach: Directy with partners in terms of Planning, Tasking, Processing and Controlling of Systems as well as Indirectly through Ecotask CRM - a complete, robust and lightweight web-based tool which enable partners to efficiently Plan, Task, Process and Control Projects.
Ecowebplus has rapidly turned into a well-recognized provider of strings of turnkey Web Development solutions, thanks to our ongoing execution of small to complex projects, leading to continuously over-deliver against contracted service levels. Thus increasing value added in our offerings.
From planing to design and development, our Innovative and smart systems, solutions, products and technology infrastructure are simlessly integrated and deployed with various modules covering request workflows, resources allocation, visualization and dashboard reporting.
We ensure delivery of measurable business benefits and optimum operation namely cost reduction, greater accuracy, delivery speed. Through training we ensure knowledge and skills transfer as well as identification of further improvement and development opportunities.